Reassessing Real Estate Investments During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Investment in property or real estate can be a wise move to diversify your overall wealth as it has a great potential for a stable money flow and value appreciation; and not to forget the generous tax benefits that comes along. However, it is important for the investors to take into consideration the risks associated with investment in real estate, especially in the COVID-19 times. The risks and rewards of investment in real estate have got greater relevance during the current economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, real estate investors need to be aware of how the pandemic may affect different aspects of people’s life including how they shop, and where they choose to live. The pandemic, as experts suggest, has affected different property types in multiple ways. For instance, retail, hotels, restaurants, gyms and other recreational sectors are the ones most badly hit by the pandemic. On the contrary, industrial assets have managed to remain relatively stable. ...